
North Pole Loop is a private road and is not on Map Quest. Example directions are at Yahoo Maps for travel from Salt Lake City Utah.

To get specfic directions use this address (7198 Hwy 36 Ovid ID 83254). North Pole Loop is the road you are looking for. First house on the left is Bear Lake Ranch House.

Directions From Logan Utah:

Coming from Logan, Utah on Highway 91 into Preston, Idaho stay in the right hand lane and turn right on Highway 34/36 go about 4.5 miles toward Grace; turn right on Highway 36 and go about 26.5 miles to mile marker 26.5. There is a red and white road closure pole on the left hand side of the road ( the locals call it the north pole). Just past the north pole, turn left on North Pole Loop. First House on the left.

Directions From Montpelier Idaho:

Coming from Montpelier Idaho take Highway 89 towards Bear Lake for about five miles to Ovid. Turn right on Highway 36 and go 7.6 miles to mile marker 26.5. Turn right on North Pole Loop. (If you get to the road closure pole on the right hand side of the road, you just missed the turn) First house on the left.